Link Building Development
Linking is the most important for search engine ranking position. If you have more link to your website, your ranking is up too. Related content link is the best.
Although you have many links to your site but in the different market, different content, different theme. In the other hand if you get links from the same theme. The quality of same theme is better.
You have many channels to get links. I would like to explain you below;
Directory Submission
Submission your site to quality web directory. Before submit let check pending links and index page. If pending 10,000 links but index 100 pages just thinking before submit it why? Because you might be use 1-2 years to get link back. Anyway, you can do that.
Article Submission
This part might be difficult for you because you have no time to write article by yourself. Do not be serious just hire someone to write for you. Go ahead!
Social Bookmarking
This is the popular channel to get traffic to your site. But for link back is good. I recommend, because you can get link or traffic to fast. Remember traffic from social bookmark is low quality than search engine.
How to get the traffic? Title of your story is the best. Just keep forward the news, entertainment or whatever in the world famous. You will get traffic.
Search Engine Submission
This channel I believed all of your guys do it.
Forum Posting & Signature
Looking for high PR forums and related to your site. Register and follow their rules of member. Do not post any topic to sell item on your site. For some forums, you can write your signature link to your site. Powerful link back.
3 Ways or 4 Ways Link Exchange
Link exchange is good for quality link. Before exchange you should be find out is it related? If related, that is very good and high quality link. Anyway, 2 ways links is not so good enough because search engine (Google) focus in One way link - link to your site only, you site does not link back.
So 3 ways and 4 ways are born to solve this issue.
3 ways link exchange; A -> B -> C
4 ways link exchange; A -> B and C -> D
Buy Links
I do not recommend this way because it is not natural and you need to pay for link. Search engine might be ban your site.
RSS Feed
Powerful link back! If you use blog, it is default to create rss but if you have your own site, just create it in xml format.
After that submit to or use tools to submit (rss submit).
How to get link from rss? Most of new website does not has their own contents then they will use rss feed to show in their site. Yes that is link back to our site. Easy!
Blogging & Commenting
Blogging is new way to get link. But it might be take more time to promote your blog as well. You just register to free blog and write store + add link back to your main site (blogroll or link in posted). Good Quality but take a long time.
Commenting is very popular to get fast and many links. As you know we can comment in blog as other people created. Search related blog, comment with quality word and link to your site.
Many tools to search related blogs.